
Evaluate marketing effectiveness using web scraping techniques

Using web scraping techniques to collect marketing data from 3rd party to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaign

Analyze customer location with spatial analytics

Using Google geolocation service & spatial analytics to analyze customer locationd

Analyze customer's description using text-mining

Using text-mining techniques to have better understanding of customer transaction purposes

Build recommendation engine for VPBank's customers

Using apriori algorithm to find frequent patterns and build recommendation engine for all products and customers for `VPBank`

Predict credit card attrition

Using Gradient Boosting Machine with H2O platform to predict customers who may close credit card

R package for Analytics automation

Build an R package to standardize & to automate common analytics tasks for Analytics team

Search engines for data terms

Build a search engine to find data terms in new Data WareHouse efficiently

SQL auto documentation

Build a tool to extract and separate comments & code in SQL scripts